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We are tea farmers located in Taiwan. We specialize in high mountain Oolong tea. We have been farming tea for 3 generations. We have our own factories to produce consumption ready tea and several retail stores to sell our own products. We also sell our tea to other tea stores in Taiwan.

Oolong tea, also known as Wulong tea, is a semioxidized tea. Oxidation is a fermenting process. Oolong tea normally goes through 15-40% oxidation. The degree of oxidation is between green tea (un-oxidized) and black tea (fully oxidized). The oxidation process gives Oolong tea more flavor than green tea. Because it is not fully oxidized, Oolong tea is not as strong and heavy as black tea. Oolong tea is light and refreshing, and it offers more health benefits than green tea.

Taiwan produces the best Oolong tea in the world. Taiwan produces over 20,000 tons of Oolong tea a year, but only 2% of that is exported. The high quality of Taiwan Oolong tea attributes to several factors. The most important factor is Taiwan's unique climate. Taiwan's climate is subtropical. Its mountainous terrain provides ideal growing conditions for tea. The subtropical mountains are as tall as 13,000 ft (3,939 m) which provide cool yet moisture air. This causes the tea to grow slowly and produces plants with leaves that are robust, thick, and soft. The climate combined with fertile soil produce the best tea in the world. Taiwan was called Formosa in the past by the west. Portuguese sailors, passing Taiwan in 1544, first jotted in a ship's log the name of the island "Ilha Formosa", meaning Beautiful Island. theFormosa.com offers quality Oolong teas directly from tea farmers in Taiwan. Our pricing is lower than other Oolong tea sellers because there are no middle men. Check out our products.


What's new?

Spring 2023 Tea


Our Spring 2023 Tea. The heavy baking process brings out Dong Ding's ripe fruity aroma. It has a full-bodied sweet taste. If you want to have a full mouth flavor, Dong Ding is the right choice.